How to Keep Information Safe While Working from Home

As those who are able to work from home continue to do so, home network security continues to be a challenge for the individual and their employer. In fact, Vermont has seen two major data breaches in the past year alone. These breaches resulted in thousands of Vermonters’ 1099 Tax Forms (for unemployment insurance recipients), being distributed to individuals and organizations outside of their work. These documents featured sensitive information that, if in the wrong hands, could be detrimental to the individual’s credit. These incidents are a prime example of capable organizations having a lapse in security due to additional tasks, required by COVID-19.

Below, we’ve compiled tips to improve your home’s security to help keep you and your business’s information safe.


Passwords are the cornerstone of any digital security strategy, and whether you’re in the office or at home, your passwords should be unique and kept secure. A Google Online Security Survey found that 52% of individuals use the same password for most of their online accounts. This practice can lead to a domino effect of compromised accounts if the original phrase is found out. 

Making a unique password for each of your accounts, and remembering each of them can be challenging on top of the other details taking up space in our brain. Luckily, there are Single Sign-On tools to help you manage your passwords securely and keep sensitive information safe. With this capability, understanding the best practices of creating strong passwords is the next step in keeping your information secure. 


Phishing is a very serious issue when it comes to web security. The practice takes many forms and has stolen hundreds of millions of dollars away from Americans - recently so, on social media. Below are a number of tips to keep you safe from these online scammers:

  1. Be mindful of what you click on - Phishing scams will attempt to funnel you through a link, where most often you’re expected to input personal information. Don’t click on links you don’t recognize, particularly from senders you’re unfamiliar with. 

  2. Check-in on your accounts regularly - Even if you don’t use the platform regularly, it’s important to ensure that not a single one of your accounts has been compromised. Also, take time to change the passwords regularly!

  3. Use firewalls - Firewalls can be installed at the device level or cover an entire network. Use them to your advantage and keep out unwanted guests. 

  4. Don’t trust pop-ups - Phishing campaigns will attempt to disguise themselves as real features on a website by using popups and asking you to fill out a form.

  5. Stay educated on Phishing strategies - As consumers and networks become smarter about keeping their information secure, hackers and scammers are surely innovating on ways to steal your data. 

Keep Tabs on Your Credit Report

Our go-to tip on keeping your information secure is to habitually check your credit report and ensure no one else is borrowing on your behalf. Visiting will give you access to the top three credit reporting agencies today - Experion, TransUnion, and Equifax. These three agencies are offering free credit reports weekly. Try to visit each one of these agencies every four months to help you monitor for suspicious activity. 

Making these practices part of your life and your business’s practice will decrease the likelihood of a data breach, as well as keep your identity safe.